Data, Keyword & Hybrid Automation Frameworks in QTP/UFT

When it comes to test automation, building an automation framework is a crucial step in ensuring effective and efficient testing of applications. There are several types of frameworks that can be used in conjunction with tools like QTP (QuickTest Professional) and UFT (Unified Functional Testing), each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will delve into the world of Data Driven, Keyword Driven, and Hybrid Automation Frameworks in QTP/UFT, exploring their characteristics, uses, and benefits.


Heading Subheading
Introduction to Automation Frameworks
Data Driven Framework Data Driven Framework in QTP/UFT
Steps Involved in a Data Driven Framework
A Practical Example of Data Driven Framework
Keyword Driven Framework Keyword Driven Framework in QTP/UFT
Steps Involved in a Keyword Driven Framework
Hybrid Framework Hybrid Framework in QTP/UFT
Steps Involved in a Hybrid Framework
Advantages and Disadvantages
Best Practices
Key Components of Automation Framework
Implementation Challenges
Tools and Resources

Introduction to Automation Frameworks

A software testin framework is a set of guidelines or rules used for creating and designing test cases. A framework gives the advantages of utilizing code in a more efficient way with less maintainance effort. In QTP/UFT, automation frameworks can be of three main types: Data Driven, Keyword Driven, and Hybrid.

Data Driven Framework

Data Driven Framework in QTP/UFT

A Data Driven Framework (DDF) is a type of framework where the driver scripts are written to perform various tests using different combinations of input data. These scripts can read data from external sources such as databases, Excel files, text files, or other data storage systems. In this way, a single script can be run multiple times with different data sets, ensuring comprehensive testing of applications with minimal script maintenance.

Steps Involved in a Data Driven Framework

  • Prepare the Test Case: Identify the test cases for the application and prepare data for each test case.
  • Add Objects to the Repository: Add all the required objects to the Object Repository (OR) for the test case.
  • Write the Script: Write scripts that can read data from external sources and perform the actions for the test case using those data values.

A Practical Example of Data Driven Framework

Consider an application where the user needs to enter order numbers and retrieve the corresponding customer names. In this case, you can create a data-driven script that reads order numbers and expected customer names from an Excel file. The script would then perform the actions for each order number, verifying the results against the expected customer names.

'Sample VbScript for Data Driven Framework
Dim xlApp, xlWorkbook, xlSheet
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Data\TestData.xlsx")
Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets(1)

For i = 2 To xlSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
  orderNum = xlSheet.Cells(i, 1).Value
  expectedCustomer = xlSheet.Cells(i, 2).Value
  'code to input orderNum into the application and get the actualCustomer
  If actualCustomer = expectedCustomer Then
    Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Pass", "Customer name matches for order: " & orderNum 
    Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Fail", "Customer name does not match for order: " & orderNum 
  End If

Set xlApp = Nothing

Keyword Driven Framework

Keyword Driven Framework in QTP/UFT

A Keyword Driven Framework (KDF) is another popular type of framework used in QTP/UFT. It involves creating user-defined functions, known as keywords, to perform specific actions. These keywords are then used to build the test scripts. This approach allows for easier maintenance and reusability of scripts across different test cases.

Steps Involved in a Keyword Driven Framework

  • Record and Run the Test: Record the test steps for each test case and save them as functional libraries.
  • Create User-Defined Functions: Create user-defined functions for each test step, which will act as keywords.
  • Write the Script: Write the driver script using the keywords to perform the test actions.
'Example of User-Defined Function in Keyword Driven Framework
Function Login(username, password)
  Browser("App").Page("Login").WebEdit("Username").Set username
  Browser("App").Page("Login").WebEdit("Password").Set password
End Function

'Using the keyword in the main script
Login "testUser", "testing"

Hybrid Framework

Hybrid Framework in QTP/UFT

A Hybrid Framework combines the benefits of both Data Driven and Keyword Driven Frameworks. It allows for scripts to be driven by data from external sources and uses user-defined functions to perform the actions. This approach offers the flexibility of data-driven testing and the reusability of keyword-driven testing.

Steps Involved in a Hybrid Framework

  • Prepare the Test Case: Prepare the test cases and the corresponding data for each case.
  • Create User-Defined Functions: Create keywords for each test step.
  • Write the Script: Write the script to read data from external sources and use the keywords to perform the test actions.
'User-Defined Function for Login
Function Login(username, password)
  Browser("App").Page("Login").WebEdit("Username").Set username
  Browser("App").Page("Login").WebEdit("Password").Set password
End Function

'Data Reading and Function Calling in Main Script
Dim dataSet
For Each dataSet in dataTable
  Call Login(dataSet("Username"), dataSet("Password"))

Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantage of using these frameworks is that they make tests easier to manage and more scalable. Data Driven frameworks allow for easy updates to test data without changing the test scripts. Keyword Driven frameworks create reusable functions that can significantly reduce code duplication. Hybrid frameworks offer the balance and flexibility of both methods.

On the other hand, setting up these frameworks can be complex and time-consuming, requiring thorough planning and understanding of both the application under test and the testing tool.

Best Practices

  • Use naming conventions to make your scripts and functions easy to read and maintain.
  • Modularize your code to create reusable components and functions.
  • Keep your test data separate from your test scripts to simplify updates and maintenance.
  • Regularly update your Object Repositories for changes in the application’s UI.

Key Components of Automation Framework

  • Driver Script: The script that controls the execution of tests and coordinates the data flow between components.
  • Data Source: The external sources (databases, Excel files) from which test data is read.
  • Object Repository: Stores the properties of objects needed to interact with the application.
  • Utility Functions: Custom functions created to perform common tasks or actions.

Implementation Challenges

One of the major challenges in implementing a framework is ensuring that it is flexible enough to handle changes in the application under test. Compatibility with different environments and the ability to integrate with CI/CD pipelines are also critical considerations. Properly managing dependencies and maintaining the framework over time requires diligence and continuous effort.

Tools and Resources


In conclusion, understanding Data Driven, Keyword Driven, and Hybrid Automation Frameworks in QTP/UFT is crucial for creating efficient and reliable test automation. By choosing the right framework for your project, you can streamline your testing processes and ensure comprehensive coverage of your application’s functionality.


Q1: What is the key benefit of using a Data Driven Framework?
A1: The key benefit of a Data Driven Framework is the ability to execute the same test case with multiple sets of data, increasing test coverage and efficiency.

Q2: How does a Keyword Driven Framework improve test script maintenance?
A2: Keyword Driven Framework improves maintenance by using reusable functions (keywords) that can be easily updated without changing the test scripts.

Q3: When should a Hybrid Framework be considered?
A3: A Hybrid Framework should be considered when both data-driven flexibility and keyword-driven reusability are needed for complex test scenarios.

Q4: Can these frameworks be integrated with Continuous Integration tools?
A4: Yes, these frameworks can be integrated with Continuous Integration (CI) tools to automate tests in a CI pipeline.

Q5: What are the initial steps to create a Data Driven Framework?
A5: The initial steps include preparing test cases, adding objects to the repository, and writing scripts that can read data from external sources.

By following the guidelines and understanding the differences between these frameworks, your automation efforts in QTP/UFT can be much more effective and manageable.

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