QTP Checkpoints: 7 Essential Tips for Unbelievable Accuracy

QTP Checkpoints: 7 Essential Tips for Unbelievable Accuracy

Introduction to Checkpoints in QTP/UFT

So, in the world of automated testing, making sure an application is spot-on accurate is, well, super important. QuickTest Professional (QTP), or Unified Functional Testing (UFT), throws checkpoints into the mix to help hit that precision. You can think of checkpoints as those trusty verification points that let testers see if their app’s still doing what it’s supposed to do during tests.

What Are Checkpoints?

Imagine you’re in a big race, and there are checkpoints along the way to make sure you’re on the right track and everything’s running smooth. That’s kinda how QTP checkpoints work in automated testing. They check if what you hoped would happen actually happened, looking at stuff like user interfaces, database entries, or even network protocols.

Types of Checkpoints in QTP/UFT

There are all sorts of checkpoints in QTP/UFT to suit different testing needs. Let’s take a quick look:

1. Standard Checkpoint

This one checks if an object’s properties line up with what you expected.

Example: Use a standard checkpoint to see if a button’s label says “Submit”.

2. Image Checkpoint

This compares an on-screen image you grabbed during testing with a reference image.

Example: Use an image checkpoint to see if a logo or icon looks right on a webpage.

QTP Checkpoints Example

3. Table Checkpoint

These are handy for checking data within tables, like those you find in web apps.

Example: Make sure the items listed in a shopping cart are correct.

4. API (Non-GUI) Checkpoint

API checkpoints check the data returned from an API call against what you were expecting.

Example: Confirm user details in an API response are correct and good to go.

How to Create Checkpoints in QTP/UFT

Setting up checkpoints in QTP/UFT is pretty straightforward and makes your testing scenarios nice and solid:

Step 1: Record Your Test Script

Kick things off by recording your actions with the application using QTP/UFT’s recorder, just like a real user would do it.

Step 2: Insert Checkpoint

While you’re recording (or after), pop in checkpoints wherever you need a validation. You might validate a button label with a standard checkpoint, for instance.

Step 3: Configure Checkpoint Properties

Once you’ve added the checkpoint, tweak it as per your testing needs. This means picking the right object attributes and the expected values.

Example of Creating a Standard Checkpoint

  • Fire up QTP/UFT and start recording your test.
  • Head to the target page to check the “Submit” button label.
  • Click that button while recording, then choose “Checkpoints > Standard Checkpoint”.
  • In the dialog that pops up, select “button” for object type and “label” as a property to check, expecting “Submit”.
  • Wrap up and run your test script. QTP/UFT will flag any issues as errors.

Best Practices for Using Checkpoints

Here’s how to really make the most of checkpoints:

Use Relevant Checkpoints

Be smart about where you put checkpoints, focusing on areas that really need validating. Don’t overdo it, or your tests might slow down.

  • Focus on critical fields like email or password, especially in form tests, instead of less important stuff.
  • This keeps things efficient and easy to maintain.

Keep Checkpoints Flexible

Use parameterization to switch expected values easily without having to mess with test code.

Example: Pull expected values from Excel files or environment variables, so you don’t hard-code anything.

Regularly Review and Update Checkpoints

Things change, and so should your checkpoints. Keep them up-to-date to stay relevant.

For instance: If button labels swap from “Submit” to “Save”, update those checkpoints.

Common Challenges with Checkpoints

While awesome, checkpoints can also bring some headaches:

Dynamic Content

Spotting dynamic content with checkpoints can be a bit of a pain.

Solution: Use QTP/UFT’s smart identification or go for advanced methods like OCR.

Performance Overhead

Too many checkpoints can make your tests run slower.

Solution: Zero in on key points with your checkpoints and streamline processes through parameterization.

Resources for Learning More About Checkpoints

If you wanna dive deeper into QTP/UFT checkpoints, here’s some great stuff to check out:


Checkpoints are a key part of what makes QTP/UFT’s automated testing so solid, ensuring that your tests are both tough and trustworthy. By skillfully working with these checkpoints, you can seriously up your testing game. Just remember to:

  • Pick the right checkpoints with care.
  • Stay flexible with parameterization.
  • Keep checking and updating them to keep pace with application changes.

Dive into these strategies and use the vast array of online resources to get the most out of checkpoints in your testing toolkit. As you gear up for your next automated test with QTP/UFT, keep in mind how strategic checkpoints can turn a test run that could be full of errors into a smashing success.

So, what’s next on your testing adventure?

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